Monday, September 10, 2012

A Weekend of Gifts

40. An Oasis, a small group respite for the both of us

41. A Grace FULL enthusiasm for little hearts in love with His word: 
Me:  Tonight is Koinonia and we will do more fellowship than Bible study
Grace: Aww...but I love the Bible study part
42.  Prayers of the saints
43.  Words of life
44.  Heartfelt hugs
45.  Grape salad
46.  Familiar, friendly faces at Parkapalooza
47.  Small town charm
48.  Country church steeples
49.  Growing girl branching out into Indiana Youth Ballet, scoring a role in the Nutcracker ballet
50. Uncle Randy chats for the girl growing up:  "I love her bunches!"
51.  Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks:  "I like reading. I'm thankful for good books to read."
52.  A lesson in joy; an introduction to Philippians
53.  The resident wellspring, drawing deep from the reservoir of His grace and goodness. He sustains me in all things.
54. Invitation to worship from an old friend
55. Connections to home so far from home
56. Pastors' candid talk about Love, Sex, and Marriage: it's about trusting God
57. Giggles and more giggles; laughter does good like a medicine
58. Love of languages - Gracie is delighted to dive into Spanish, teaching Papa George his name:  Abuelo
59. Singing Grandparents Day greetings.  I love her heart songs
60. A routine of bests, worsts, and thankful hearts before bed.

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