Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Traveling Tutelage

I love traveling with Grace. On the return trip from Missouri Memorial Day visits, Grace and I filled our driving hours talking, singing & story telling. Winding away the the miles, we talked about the story behind the Star Spangled Banner and why I often cry when we sing it.  I explained why grace and mercy are my most favorite  words.  We decided friends should be chosen based kindness, not the color of their skin, how they look, or how well their body works or doesn't work.  Grace wants to visit the place where Jesus died for our sins. She wants to see His body.  In her disappointment and tears that even if we go to Israel (and we will go), she won't see His body; but rather an empty tomb because He rose from the dead. We talked about heaven and how we will see Jesus, face to face; and that He knows her name.  This is how we teach them; day in and day out,how we teach them.  This is how we live our faith, passing it from one generation to the next. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a nice way to pass the miles & the hours! Time well spent!