Thursday, December 01, 2011

On The Radio

We love Shine 89 radio. It gets us going in the morning and keeps us singing until we say our best, worst, and prayers at bedtime. Truth is, Shine is usually always playing. I just love that our home is bathed with good stuff; stuff that makes heaven smile and let's the enemy know he is on fighting ground. We are to create a place for Christ to dwell and our worship invites Him to abide. Then there is the part how we just love Christian music. Shine keeps us covered in more ways than one.

Now that the alarm wakes us up before the sun, we are loving the Early Morning Show with Kurt Wallace

(Go CARDS).  The Gracie girl LOVES that Birthday game. We called in this morning and Grace made her radio debut. goodness, that girl sounded so sweet over the airwaves; but I digress.

You can play the birthday game if a family member is born in the designated month. She has a papa in the month they called out and was invited to tell why she loved her papa. It made my heart all melty when she talked about why she loved her papa.  I think Kurt (Go CARDS!) was more bummed than Grace when the birthday wheel landed two days away from papa's birthday. He said he almost moved the wheel back just so she could win just because she was too cute. That guy is full of integrity so no cheating, but we did win a cool Matthew West CD AND there may even be an extra something else in that Shine package for Gracie. That is just cool, I tell you.

Shine 89, WE LOVE YOU!
AND big news for mom. I submitted my application for graduation! YEAH me!! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Aug 5th! Long road, but worth it. That's my faith talking. =) It's well past the best, worst & prayer time. Got to go to BED! Night folks.

PS - I recorded Gracie's radio shout out, but it didn't take. Wonder if I can get a hold of that clip somehow?? Would be a sweet addition to the Grace FULL Days blog, don't you think?

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