Monday, March 22, 2010

Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now

There's an old song we used to sing...or maybe I was singing along as someone else sang it; but it went like this: "I wouldn't take nothing for my journey now..."

I don't really remember the rest, but was pondering this morning just how blessed I am; not that things have been perfect or even remotely turned out how I dreamed or planned, but I would take nothing for my experiences & life to this point. :o) God is good. I trust Him. That thing He says about "all things work together for good to them who are called according to His purpose." I really believe that- lock, stock & barrel~

Or I could sing this old song...that's the thing about us music loving singing folks - we think in song -- either one we know or making up our own as we go along. So there's this one I've tooled around with this morning: "I am blessed. I am blessed. Every day that I live I am blessed. When I wake up in the morning, til I lay my head to rest...I am blessed. I am blessed." God is really good & I bask in the overflow of that goodness. He fills my cup to the point of spillage & I often sip from the saucer.

In the getting to know you stage with this new friend, I woke up thinking I misspoke during our last conversation. I love the life I've lived. Got a few dreams still tucked away waiting to burst forth...but overall, I am very satisfied with how things have played out. I have far more things checked off my life's to do list than things remaining. My passport is full & I've started a new one. No regrets, really...unless it would be - no, really - none. Life has been colorful - just plain FULL & I'm thankful. THANK FULL! Thankful & looking forward to what's around the bend or even just what's right there in front of me waiting for me to notice.

Bring it on. :o) Now, enjoy this little ditty. It's chanky chank, but it fits today.


Girly Muse said...

Gotta love the Happy Goodman Family...

It's a crazy, bumpy, fun life, isn't it.

Have a happy week. Love ya.

Randy Beal said...

Good stuff Carm. I lo1ve my Journey.