Friday, April 03, 2009

Letter in Hand

Hey, folks, as I prepare for my ROOT CANAL this morning, I am still rejoicing over this acceptance letter from the Communication Disorders program at GSU! Yes, I'm in - one in a group of 35 out of 250 applicants. My mom would be very proud! My joy is almost anesthetic enough to get me through this surgery...but.....I think I'll take the gas just in case. Ha! Have a good one!

Shout out to two of the BEST Uncles - actually, THREE, who have invested some time in loving on Gracie Cakes these past few weeks; enabling me to take care of myself and/or make a living! I love you! Your love deposits have eternal value! Wrestling, pirate play, Goldilocks, hide-n-seek and countless dance offs - you guys are the best! PS - Gracie asked for cocoa when we got home, UR! :o)

AND we love Uncle Hush!